Question: What are your hours?
Answer: We are a private club and are not open to the public. We therefore do not have walk-in hours. Select events are open to the public – check out the events calendar for more information and reach out to the event host if you have specific questions. Shooting hours for club members are 6am-10pm.
Question: What’s the process to become a member?
Answer: There are several steps to joining the Racine County Line Rifle Club.
1. Find a sponsor. Your sponsor must be a current full (Regular or Life) member in good standing.
2. Visit the club with your sponsor for a tour. You must sign in as a guest and indicate that you are there for your new member tour (enter your name as “First Last Name (Tour)”).
3. Submit a new member application.
4. Attend a safety walk at the club. Check the Events calendar for scheduled dates and times and just show up. Dates are added regularly.
5. Attend a board meeting with your sponsor to officially be accepted as an associate member.
Question: What’s the cost to join?
Answer: $250 initiation fee + $25 badge fee + $120 annual dues (prorated based on join date)
Question: What are the requirements/commitments after joining?
Answer: Associate members are required to complete 100 volunteer hours in their first 3 years (33 1/3 hours/year) and volunteer 1 full day (10 hours) of the deer site event in November. Alternately, you can 'buy out' your hours for $2500. And while we highly encourage our regular/life members to continue to volunteer throughout the year and during deer site, there is no longer the hours requirement after that point. Further, all members are required to renew their membership annually by March 1 with annual proof of a gun rights organization membership and $120 annual dues.
Question: I don’t know any current regular/life members. How do I find a sponsor?
Answer: If you don't currently know a regular/life member who's willing to sponsor you, we'd encourage you to come to events as a participant or volunteer (and any volunteer hours would count towards the 100 hour requirement). Check out our events calendar and good ones to check out are generally clean up days, matches, family days, or practice events -- just make sure to let the host know that you're there to volunteer and looking for a sponsor so they can match you up with a regular/life member rather than an associate member so you can get to know them. Depending on the class, some of the instructors who rent the range are also willing to sponsor their students after successfully completing a class.
Question: I am a certified firearms instructor looking for an outdoor range for a live fire class. Can I rent a range for the day?
Answer: No, there are several restrictions to conducting training at the range; the first and foremost being that a current member must host the event.
If you still have a question that is not addressed above, please email Please note that we are an all volunteer organization so there may be a delay in the response; however, we will get back to you.